Wednesday, February 20, 2008

It's amazing and we, specially females, never thought how a small little human being can change our lives. More than that I think the entire journey right from the conception to nursing and watching the baby grow every single day is an experience in itself, which no man can ever experience, the closest that they can come is to feel the baby kick.

My Doctor was not very hopeful that I can ever bear children as I was diagnosed with Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) at the age of 16 along with Thyroid (i don't remember now whether it was hypo or hyper). Anyways, I was on pills for 6 years and then I was sick and tired of popping pills and just stopped taking pills thinking "what worse can happen". Well.. nothing happened and then 5 years later when I was 27 my Doctor performed Laparascopy and removed the cysts from my ovaries, but things were not looking very hopeful then as the egg size during the ovulation period was very small (I believe there is some average size to conceive)
and my periods were never regular, 40-45 days was the average cycle.

Then I met the most interesting guy (I say interesting because I could never stick with a guy for more than 6 months and he made me stick to him for more than a year, though now it has been 3 years). We enjoyed our lives but both of us wanted to have children, I told him of my condition and he accepted and we decided to adopt after the marriage.

Suddenly, early part of 2007, I felt sluggish and I thought I am gaining slight weight, I just ignored it thinking it's just the winter weight, once felt giddy and at another time nausea but that's it no big deal probably the food that I ate. But one incident I remember and probably can never forget and didn't know what was happening to my body, I went to farmer's market and I was craving for fruit, I was picking up plums and I had to hold my hand back from putting one in my mouth then and there, I didn't want to wash it, didn't want to waste any time just wanted to eat the red, juicy "plump" plum... (rest in next)